Information About Hubble

Hubble Space Telescope is one of the biggest and the most powerful telescope in the world. It was one of the most important discovery in the 20th century. It can see stars and galaxies way beyond our reach. It can see stuff billions of light-years away. It is also known as a time machine. Because of such a great distance sight it can traval through time and see stars and galaxies being born billions of years ago. Light-year is a distance light travels per one year. So the stars' light haven't reached us but the hubble can see it, that's why Hubble is called a time machine. The Hubble space telescope is named after Edwin Hubble, he was a very famous astronomer who discovered many unsolved mysteries in his time.


My Experience in Air-Space meuseum in Washington, D.C

 i have been to this meusem several times, and I have learned a lot of information about rockets, the Hubble Space telescope, the apollo missions and also the first satalite Sputnik. In my opinion the Hubble was the most interesting thing to learn about.i saw examples and pictures taken by the hubble. I also saw an extraordinary movie named HUBBLE 3d at the meuseum. it was very cool. It showed me the mysteries and the repairs of hubble. From the Lauch to the Final repair. The Air and Space meusem is a place you cannot get bored. Every-one should go!!

Pictures takes by Hubble 

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